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Wednesday, October 10, 2012


1oblivion_island_1024x768.jpg Oblivion Main
Director: Shinsuke Sato
Production: Production I.G., Fuji Television Network, Dentsu
Year: 2009-2012
Genre: Action, Adventure
Duration: 99min
Format: DVD, BluRay
MSRP: $24.98 ($17.49) (+/-)


Stepping beyond the 2D animated realm, Oblivion Island falls down the rabbit hole of pure magic.

     There haven't been many stand-alone animated films out on the market that have reached popularity on US shores.  Back in 2011, Funimation brought us Summer Wars. Earlier this year, Ghibli brought us The Secret World of Arriety.  Before the start of the fall season, we are graced with yet another magical animation: Oblivion Island: Haruka and the Magic Mirror.

012132173055.jpg      At first glance, the colorfully generic title and catch phrase "An animated romp for the young and young at heart" would discourage a warrant for a second look. My instinct said otherwise and I picked up this film without hesitation. I then wondered if I had just burned $15 on a film made for children.
6-620x.jpg As the beautifully animated scenes shone through, I knew that was not the case.
     Plot progression flows well throughout the movie and is accompanied by a unique original soundtrack; fitting for an equally quirky setting.

     The voice talents for the English dubs weren't perfect, but stood well against it's Japanese counterpart.  Interestingly enough, some scenes demonstrated a better performance in English and vice versa.  In cases like these, my recommendation would be to watch the movie in the language most comfortable to you--without the need for subtitles.
     The first half of the movie has the emotional appeal that many "children" stories are known for, but soon develops into content with enough depth that can be appreciated by all ages.  Japanese animation is known for it's ability to create stories that can accommodate a multitude of genres.  I question at what age do these writers believe their audience needs to be, in order to understand the complexity of drama elements in a story.  A film that sparks childhood memories, while concurrently satisfying our plot-depth needs--and that's where the magic lies.                                                           
This is a film you don't want to miss~! 

     [The story revolves around a 16-year old girl named Haruka.  One uneventful day leads Haruka into a "chance" meeting with a mythical creature, thought only to exist within childish folktales.  Swept into the "fox hole", Haruka discovers a magical world beside her very own.  Initially on a journey to reclaim what has been lost, Haruka realizes that her most treasured possession was never taken, but forgotten.] 

     As a special gift to it's viewers, FUNimation has officially uploaded an English Subbed Version of this movie on YouTube.  Not sure if it's for a limited time only, so take advantage of it while you still can~!


"Watch Oblivion Island - Watch Anime & Live Action Streaming Episodes & Video Online."Funimation.   N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Sept. 2012. <>.

Yamamura, Hiroko. "Japanator Recommends: Oblivion Island." JAPANATOR - The Otaku's Companion. JAPANATOR, 1 Aug. 2012. Web. 07 Sept. 2012. <>.

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