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Monday, October 22, 2012


Square Enix's 'Luminous Engine', sparks the beginning of a masterpiece

     If there is one thing that most people can agree on, it's that Square Enix produces beautiful graphics; especially when their work revolves around the Final Fantasy franchise.  When the PS3 was on the horizon, SE released a "Final Fantasy VII Tech demo" portraying the capabilities of the next-gen hardware.  A teaser sparking the demand for a remake of the 1997 classic, a request that we've yet to see be considered.
     Seven years later, SE is at it again with another tech demo boasting graphics rendered in real time, titled "Agni's Philosophy".  Not much is said whether or not SE will develop this into a future title.  It is a possibility--as long as there is enough interest and support, SE will shell out anything that can rake in profit. (Let's not forget, SE is a company. Satisfying the customer needs is a major goal, but only if it is profitable.)  


     The technical demo was testing the potential of next-gen, as well as showcasing SE's Luminous Engine.  Let's not forget the demo is portrayed in real time goodness. Named for it's prowess in light physics and textures, the Luminous Engine is the template for future gaming.***On a side note, Final Fantasy 13 Versus is set to use the Luminous Engine as well as it's own Crystal Tools.  I speculate the delay in development resulted partly from the development of the new Engine.  


     The video does well to incorporate the contrasting elements of magic and modern day technology to the extent not seen in Final Fantasy products currently on the market.  Square Enix reveals a fraction of the atmosphere, and lets our imagination fill in the rest.

     Obviously, SE has some interest in the potential of this concept world, as demonstrated in their survey located on the "Agni's Philosophy" main website.  Whether you love or hate the Final Fantasy name, or what it's become--What's your opinion of "Agni's Philosophy"?

If you're liking the feel of the video, take the survey provided below by Square Enix...who knows, it might help bring a project like this onto consoles in the future.

And...check out the video below~
(watch in HD)

"Agni's Philosophy" and "Final Fantasy"  trademark Square Enix© 2012. All rights reserved.

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