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Friday, September 7, 2012


p4g_sgpe_fullglamshot_final_webres.jpg P4 Golden Whole Sh-bang

     That's right folks, the premium edition of "Persona 4: The Golden" has been announced.

     It's everything Vita users want...and everything they don't need.  If you've followed JRPG releases, then you would expect their bonus content to be a dwarfed art booklet, or a mediocre sample of their original soundtrack.
In short...bonus content is usually for collecting purposes.

However, Atlus' presents their pre-order bonus as Vita accessories.

Game only: $39.99
Solid Gold Edition: $69.99

Contents (pictured above):
-1 Hori Hard pouch
-1 Protective skin (a vinyl-like sticker protector for minor scratches)

     ~with 8 digital wallpapers for your Vita homescreen
-1 Hori Face cover 

-2 sticker sets 

Persona4Vita-6.jpg P4 Golden Protect
From left-to-right: Pouch, Face Cover(closed), Face Cover(open)...Vita not included, lol~

packaging-009.jpg P4 Golden Stickas~!
Stickers! Adorn your Vita accessories with these awesome characters~


     (+) This is a great deal for Vita users that have yet to buy protective gear for their new investment.  If this is the title you were waiting for, then you really couldn't have waited until a better time to pick up a Vita.

     (-) Now, if you're not much for the bonus gear and it doesn't quite tickle your fan boy/girl fancies--then an extra 30 dollars does seem a bit steep.  You can buy similar Vita accessories for pretty much the same price; cheaper in-fact--if you're looking in the right place.

     The Golden question: Is it worth picking up the premium edition?
Well...that's for you to decide~


"Pre-order the Ward-winning RpG, Persona 4 Golden, Coming Soon to
      Playstation Vita!" Web. 07 Sept 2012. <>

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